Markets supported include:
Support for different security types within these markets include:
- Fixed Rate
- Zero-coupon
- Step-coupon
- Notes
- Bills
- Strips
- Interest at Maturity
- Discount Security
The market conventions necessary for calculating the bond accurately including daycount calendar, business date convention, interest frequency, end-of-month adjustment, and pricing are automatically selected when a market (municipal, corporate, agency, treasury, CD, etc) and a security type (fixed rate, at maturity, stepped coupon) are chosen.
Most US Agency fixed income securities can be calculated by selecting the Agency menu view and selecting the appropriate calculator. Plain fixed interest rate bonds are calculated using the Fixed Interest Rate tab. Strip coupon or zero coupon bonds are calculated using the Zero Coupon calculator tab. Agency discount notes or other short-term agency securities are calculated using the ‘At Maturity’ calculator. And, agency stepped coupon securities are calculated using the Stepped Coupon calculator tab.
Agency (GSE) Bond Calculator
(Click to Enlarge) 
US certificates/deposit or CDs are calculated using the CD menu item and then selecting the appropriate CD type: fixed rate, at maturity, or stepped coupon rate.
CD/Fixed Interest Rate Bond Calculator
(Click to Enlarge) 
A variety of corporate bonds can be calculated using the corporate bond calculator. Standard fixed rate or fixed coupon bonds with or without a call schedule can be calculated on the Fixed Interest Rate tab. Zero coupon corporate bonds are calculated using the Zero Coupon tab or by entering a ‘0’ in the coupon rate field. Corporate notes or other corporate discount securities are calculated using the ‘At Maturity’ calculator tab. Corporate stepped coupon or multi-stepped rate bonds are calculated using the ‘Stepped Coupon’ tab.
Corporate Bond Rate Bond Calculator
(Click to Enlarge) 
Bond Calculator supports several types of municipal securities. Zero coupon securities can be calculated by entering a ‘0’ coupon rate or using the zero coupon bond calculator tab. Municipal discount notes and other ‘at maturity’ municipals may be calculated on the ‘At Maturity’ tab. And, the stepped-coupon municipal bond calculator allows the entry of a stepped coupon rate schedule to ensure accurate calculation of the cash-flows for step-coupon and multi-step coupon municipal bonds.
Municipal Bond Calculator
(Click to Enlarge) 
US Treasury securities including bills, notes, bonds, strips, and inflation-protected securities (or TIPS) are supported by the FISA calculator library. The Bond Calculator US treasury bond calculator supports bills, notes, bonds, and strips. Standard fixed rate treasury bonds are calculated using the ‘Notes / Bonds’ calculator. US treasury bills and other treasury discount securities are calculated using the ‘Bills’ calculator tab.
Treasury Bill/Notes/Bond Calculator
(Click to Enlarge)