MaturingSecurity Class

An abstract implementation of Security for securities that have a maturity date.


Namespace: com.ftlabs.fisa
Assembly: FISA.NET (in FISA.NET.dll) Version: (
public abstract class MaturingSecurity : AbstractSecurity
Object    AbstractSecurity    MaturingSecurity


MaturingSecurityInitializes a new instance of the MaturingSecurity class


createCalculator(FISADate) Create a new Calculator for this Security and provided settlementDate. The maturity Redemption will be used with this settlementDate to create a new Calculator.
(Overrides AbstractSecuritycreateCalculator(FISADate))
createCalculator(FISADate, Redemption)
(Inherited from AbstractSecurity)
createCalculator(FISADate, HolidaySchedule) Create a new Calculator for this Security and provided settlementDate. The maturity Redemption will be used with this settlementDate to create a new Calculator.
(Overrides AbstractSecuritycreateCalculator(FISADate, HolidaySchedule))
createCalculator(FISADate, Redemption, HolidaySchedule)
(Inherited from AbstractSecurity)
createQuoteAnalytics(Quote, FISADate)
(Inherited from AbstractSecurity)
createQuoteAnalytics(Quote, FISADate, HolidaySchedule)
(Overrides AbstractSecuritycreateQuoteAnalytics(Quote, FISADate, HolidaySchedule))
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
getBusinessDayAdjustType Get the BusinessDayAdjustType.
(Inherited from AbstractSecurity)
getDatedDateGet the DatedDate set for this Security
(Inherited from AbstractSecurity)
getDayCountBasis Get the DayCountBasis.
(Inherited from AbstractSecurity)
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
getMarket Get the Market for this Security.
(Inherited from AbstractSecurity)
getMaturity Get the maturity Redemption.
getMaturityDate A convenience method to get the maturity date bound to the maturity Redemption.
getParValueGet the parValue.
(Inherited from AbstractSecurity)
(Overrides AbstractSecuritygetRedemption(Int32))
(Overrides AbstractSecuritygetRedemptionCount)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
isEomAdjust Get the EOM Adjust flag, which determines whether the End Of Month Adjustment rule should be used while calculating days for this Security.
(Inherited from AbstractSecurity)
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
setBusinessDayAdjustType Set the BusinessDayAdjustType.
(Inherited from AbstractSecurity)
setDatedDateSet the DatedDate for this Security
(Inherited from AbstractSecurity)
setDayCountBasis Set the DayCountBasis.
(Inherited from AbstractSecurity)
setEomAdjust Set the EOM Adjust flag, which determines whether the End Of Month Adjustment rule should be used while calculating days for this Security.
(Inherited from AbstractSecurity)
setMaturity(FISADate) Sets maturity to a new Redemption object for the given maturityDate with a default redemption value of 100.0.
setMaturity(Redemption) Set the maturity Redemption.
setMaturity(FISADate, Double) Sets maturity to a new Redemption object for the given maturityDate and redemptionValue.
setParValueSet the parValue.
(Inherited from AbstractSecurity)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)

See Also