AbstractPreferredSecurity | Abstract Security implementation that includes call information and common data required for preferred Securities. |
AbstractSecurity | Abstract Security implementation with very minimum common fields. |
BusinessDateFactory | This class provides methods for getting a business date, with implementations usually taking weekend days and holidays into consideration. |
BusinessDayAdjustType | This class defines all of the supported Business Day Adjustment types. |
CashFlowScheduleSecurity | An implementation of Security that uses a provided CashFlowSchedule for calculations rather than generating the cash flows. |
ContinuousCallSchedule | |
DayCountBasis | Defines an abstract class that is used to calculate the number of days between two dates, and provides static members for each supported implementation. |
DefaultHolidaySchedule | This is the default implementation of HolidaySchedule. For maximum efficiency, this implementation caches all provided holidays so that the isHoliday() method returns as quickly as possible. |
DefaultPriceIndexFactory | This is the default implementation of PriceIndexFactory. For maximum efficiency, this implementation maintains a list of all provided values so that the getPriceIndex() methods returns as quickly as possible. |
DiscountSecurity | |
DiscreteCallSchedule | An implementation of CallSchedule for discrete calls. |
DiscreteInterestRateSchedule | An InterestRateSchedule implementation that accepts discrete conversion dates and rates. |
FISADate | This class represents a calendar date, and includes methods to determine synchronicity as well as methods required for certain day count methods. |
FixedInterestRateSecurity | |
IndexLinkedInterestRateSchedule | |
IndexLinkedSecurity | A Security implementation for index linked securities, such as UK Index Linked Gilts. |
InflationIndexedSecurity | |
InterestAtMaturitySecurity | |
InterestFrequency | This class defines all of the supported interest frequencies. |
LicenseManager | Validate the FISA license and provide license information. |
Market | This class identifies the Market for a given Security and provides market default settings and market specific calculation methods. |
MarketCA | Static Collection of all supported CA markets. Includes public references to each supported Market. |
MarketDE | Static Collection of all supported DE markets. Includes public references to each supported Market. |
MarketFR | Static Collection of all supported FR markets. Includes public references to each supported Market. |
MarketIT | Static Collection of all supported IT markets. Includes public references to each supported Market. |
MarketJP | Static Collection of all supported JP markets. Includes public references to each supported Market. |
MarketUK | Static Collection of all supported UK markets. Includes public references to each supported Market. |
MarketUS | Static Collection of all supported US markets. Includes public references to each supported Market. |
MaturingCallableSecurity | |
MaturingSecurity | An abstract implementation of Security for securities that have a maturity date. |
PeriodicInterestPaymentSecurity | |
PerpetualPreferredSecurity | Preferred Security implementation for maturing preferred securities. |
PreferredSecurity | Preferred Security implementation for maturing preferred securities. |
Redemption | A class to represent any redemption date and rate. |
SteppedCouponSecurity | |
ZeroCouponSecurity |
CallSchedule | |
DisplayFormat | Implementations of this pure virtual class are used to prepare analytical values for display. |
HolidaySchedule | This interface provides methods used to determine if a given date is a holiday as defined by each implementation. |
InterestRateSchedule | |
MarketMarketCollection | |
PriceIndexFactory | |
Security | This is the base class for all Security types. This class defines methods for creating a Calculator for the implemented Security. |