Market Class

This class identifies the Market for a given Security and provides market default settings and market specific calculation methods.


Namespace: com.ftlabs.fisa
Assembly: FISA.NET (in FISA.NET.dll) Version: (
public class Market
Object    Market


To get an instance of Market, you can either use the static public country collections such as Market::US::CORPORATE when available, or the static getByName() method such as Market.getByName( "US/Corporate" ).



createCalculator(FISADate, FISADate, Redemption, Double, InterestRateSchedule, DayCountBasis, Int32, Boolean, BusinessDayAdjustType, FISADate, FISADate, HolidaySchedule) 
createCalculator(FISADate, FISADate, Redemption, Double, Double, DayCountBasis, Int32, Boolean, BusinessDayAdjustType, FISADate, FISADate, HolidaySchedule) 
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
getByName Get a pointer to the Market instance that corresponds to the provided name.
getDefaultBusinessDayAdjustType Returns the default BusinessDayAdjustType.
getDefaultBusinessDayAdjustType(Type) Returns the default BusinessDayAdjustType for the given classID, or the Market default if one doesn't exist for the given classID.
getDefaultDayCountBasis Returns the default DayCountBasis.
getDefaultDayCountBasis(Type) Returns the default DayCountBasis for the given classID, or the Market default if one doesn't exist for the given classID.
getDefaultEomAdjust Returns the default End of Month adjustment setting. This setting determines whether the End of Month adjust rule will be used for calculating days between dates.
getDefaultEomAdjust(Type) Returns the default End of Month adjustment setting for the given classID, or the Market default if one doesn't exist for the given classID.
getDefaultInterestFrequency Returns the default InterestFrequency.
getDefaultInterestFrequency(Type) Returns the default InterestFrequency for the given classID, or the Market default if one doesn't exist for the given classID.
getDefaultSettlementDays Returns the default days to settlement for this Market.
getDefaultSettlementDays(Type) Returns the default days to settlement for the given classID, or the Market default if one doesn't exist for the given classID.
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
getName Returns the Market name. This is usually in the form of : CountryCode/MarketName. Example : US/Municipal.
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
prepareAIForDisplay Prepares accrued interest for display according to market conventions.
preparePriceForDisplay Prepares a price for display according to market conventions.
prepareYieldForDisplay Prepares a yield for display according to market conventions.
setDefaultBusinessDayAdjustType(BusinessDayAdjustType) Change the default BusinessDayAdjustType for this Market.
setDefaultBusinessDayAdjustType(Type, BusinessDayAdjustType) Change the default BusinessDayAdjustType for the Security implementation specified by classID.
setDefaultDayCountBasis(DayCountBasis) Change the default DayCountBasis for this Market.
setDefaultDayCountBasis(Type, DayCountBasis) Change the default DayCountBasis for Security implementation specified by classID.
setDefaultEomAdjust(Boolean) Change the default End of Month adjustment setting. This setting determines whether the End of Month adjust rule will be used for calculating days between dates.
setDefaultEomAdjust(Type, Boolean) Change the default End of Month adjustment setting for the Security specified by the given classID.
setDefaultInterestFrequency(InterestFrequency) Change the default InterestFrequency for this Market.
setDefaultInterestFrequency(Type, InterestFrequency) Change the default InterestFrequency for the Security implementation specified by classID.
setDefaultSettlementDays(Int32) Change the default days to settlement for this Market.
setDefaultSettlementDays(Type, Int32) Change the default days to settlement for the Security implementation specified by classID.
(Overrides ObjectToString)

See Also