AbstractCalculator | |
AbstractYieldConvergence | |
AdjustedCashFlowSchedule | Business date adjusted implementation of CashFlowSchedule. |
BinaryYieldConvergence | |
CalculationException | |
CalculationExceptionFactory | |
CashFlow | A class to store the interest, principal and date of a single cash flow. |
CashFlowCalculator | An implementation of Calculator for use with any implementation of CashFlowSchedule. |
CDCalculatorFactory | |
CDFixedInterestRateCalculator | |
CDLastPeriodCalculator | |
CDSteppedCouponCalculator | |
CDTrueYieldConvergable | This class is used by CD Calculator implementations to calculate True Yield. |
CEYQuote | |
CouponDateGenerator | |
DefaultAnalytics | An implementation of Analytics that attempts to balance memory and CPU usage by caching only the values with more complex formulas, and values that are needed for multiple methods. |
DefaultYieldConvergence | |
DelegatingCalculator | This interface provides calculation methods that are tuned specifically for the implemented security and for a particular settlement to Redemption period. |
DiscountCalculator | |
DiscountQuote | |
DiscountQuoteAnalytics | An implementation of QuoteAnalytics that includes methods for retrieving extended Discount calculations, such as discount, CEY and BEY. |
FirstPeriodSimpleInterestCalculator | |
FirstPeriodSimpleInterestCalculatorFactory | |
FixedInterestRateCalculator | |
FixedInterestRateCalculatorPeriodicYieldConvergable | |
GenericCashFlowSchedule | This implementation of CashFlowSchedule requires the user to add each specific cash flow. Cash flows are not generated by this implementation. |
InflationIndexedCalculator | |
InflationIndexedQuoteAnalytics | An implementation of QuoteAnalytics that includes methods for retrieving extended Inflation Indexed values, such as index ratio, adjusted price, and adjusted accrued interest. |
InterestAtMaturityCalculator | |
JapaneseCalculator | This is an implemenation of Calculator for Japanese Government securities. |
JapaneseCalculatorFactory | |
LastPeriodCalculator | |
LastPeriodCompoundInterestCalculator | |
LastPeriodSimpleInterestCalculator | |
MSRBCalculatorFactory | |
MSRBFixedInterestRateCalculator | |
MSRBOneLongPeriodCalculator | |
MSRBOneShortPeriodCalculator | |
MSRBSteppedCouponCalculator | |
MultipleCashFlowCalculator | |
MultiplePeriodCalculator | |
OneCashFlowCalculator | |
PeriodicYieldConvergable | This class is used by several Calculator implementations to calculate a periodic yield for use in the actual duration/convexity methods. |
PerpetualPreferredCalculator | |
PreferredCalculator | Abstract Calculator implementation for Preferred securities that includes additional analytic values that are applicable to Preferred securities. |
PreferredFixedInterestRateCalculator | |
PreferredQuoteAnalytics | An implementation of QuoteAnalytics that includes methods for retrieving extended Preferred values, such as accrued dividend, strip price/yield and annual dividend. |
PriceQuote | |
QuoteAnalytics | |
RYCalculatorFactory | |
RYMMYCalculatorFactory | |
SimpleYTRCalculatorFactory | |
SimpleYTRMultiplePeriodCalculator | |
SpreadQuote | |
SteppedCouponCalculator | |
SteppedCouponCompoundingCalculator | |
TrueYieldConvergable | This class is used by several Calculator implementations to calculate True Yield. |
YieldQuote | |
ZeroCouponCalculator |
Analytics | |
Calculator | This interface provides calculation methods that are tuned specifically for the implemented security and for a particular settlement to Redemption period. |
CalculatorFactory | |
CashFlowSchedule | This interface provides methods for retrieving both interest and principal cash flows and their dates. |
Quote | |
YieldConvergable | |
YieldConvergence |